The other day my friend, who is also a Naturopathic Doctor, visiting from Ontario, and her boyfriend - a bison rancher from Sask, rather new in her life; about 6+ months and not yet quite accustomed to the idiosyncrasies that those of us in the field of natural health might have; were over at my place when Dean suddenly exclaimed "omigosh! you do that too?? is that a naturopath things?" To which we quite uncertainly asked: "what are you referring to??"
His observation was of my banana bowl, which housed a couple of bunches of bananas, including one partially eaten one (shown in the photo!). He was astonished that we would cut fruit in half, eat/ use half and let the rest "brown". This launched us into a discussion around many "half eaten things" that he has been introduced to since his time with Wendy. I laughed and pulled out a couple of half eaten protein bars for evidence - what I call "little snippets".
I had no idea this was such a novel concept as to me it makes so much sense to me! If I am just a little hungry, all I need is a "little snippet"! and so I can leave the rest for the next time I need just a "little snippet". If I just want a taste of something, I don't have to commit to the whole item. In this way have learned to tune into and listen to my body. I can really honor my body's cues for food, not overeat, give it just what it needs. If a food is not so healthy, I can have a taste of it, enough to fire my taste buds and allow the enjoyment of the taste - but not eat so much of it that I end up suppressing my appetite for healthier foods later on, feeling unwell (think sugary treats) or that I stimulate the urge to eat more. As Dean pointed out - he had no idea he could just have a bite of a cookie. His programming is you eat the whole thing of what you have! and further to that, as he mentioned, he would often end up eating more than what he actually wanted or needed, as auto-pilot mode kicks in when we fail to listen.
So - what about you? are you a snippet eater or do you feel programmed to consume all of what you have eaten? could you consider pausing after a few bites to see if you actually need any more?
As I explained to him - you get quite proficient at cutting off little brown bits of fruit, if you aren't a fan of eating the little crust of a skin a banana forms if it has been open for a bit - and you either learn to wrap food back up well, holding the wrapper closed with a bit of tape or elastic band - or you just eat food a wee bit on the stale side.
I get that doesn't necessarily sound all that appealing, but as one who believes in the importance of "eating to live" rather than "living to eat", I think it is good practice. Combines all of the elements of self care: listening, paying attention, making mindful decisions, exercising gentle self-discipline that result in better choices and greater health!
His observation was of my banana bowl, which housed a couple of bunches of bananas, including one partially eaten one (shown in the photo!). He was astonished that we would cut fruit in half, eat/ use half and let the rest "brown". This launched us into a discussion around many "half eaten things" that he has been introduced to since his time with Wendy. I laughed and pulled out a couple of half eaten protein bars for evidence - what I call "little snippets".
I had no idea this was such a novel concept as to me it makes so much sense to me! If I am just a little hungry, all I need is a "little snippet"! and so I can leave the rest for the next time I need just a "little snippet". If I just want a taste of something, I don't have to commit to the whole item. In this way have learned to tune into and listen to my body. I can really honor my body's cues for food, not overeat, give it just what it needs. If a food is not so healthy, I can have a taste of it, enough to fire my taste buds and allow the enjoyment of the taste - but not eat so much of it that I end up suppressing my appetite for healthier foods later on, feeling unwell (think sugary treats) or that I stimulate the urge to eat more. As Dean pointed out - he had no idea he could just have a bite of a cookie. His programming is you eat the whole thing of what you have! and further to that, as he mentioned, he would often end up eating more than what he actually wanted or needed, as auto-pilot mode kicks in when we fail to listen.
So - what about you? are you a snippet eater or do you feel programmed to consume all of what you have eaten? could you consider pausing after a few bites to see if you actually need any more?
As I explained to him - you get quite proficient at cutting off little brown bits of fruit, if you aren't a fan of eating the little crust of a skin a banana forms if it has been open for a bit - and you either learn to wrap food back up well, holding the wrapper closed with a bit of tape or elastic band - or you just eat food a wee bit on the stale side.
I get that doesn't necessarily sound all that appealing, but as one who believes in the importance of "eating to live" rather than "living to eat", I think it is good practice. Combines all of the elements of self care: listening, paying attention, making mindful decisions, exercising gentle self-discipline that result in better choices and greater health!