In early 2015 I sent out an email to my newsletter group. In this email I wrote the following:
"I often find myself creating a theme for the new year. This theme is something I use to help create more clarity around my goals and from there I choose some "power words" that serve as reminders or touchstones for the changes I am desiring to create
So for instance my theme for 2015 is Courage. I have some new goals for my practice that involve developing and teaching more courses (I was inspired by the Brene Brown course Dr. Geis asked me to co-facilitate with her earlier this spring. Amazing experience and reminder that we heal in sharing!) and programs (new detoxification course, creating healthy habits, etc.) to help you succeed with your health goals. I also have some goals around enhancing certain skills that I use in practice such as doing more energy work and helping you align more with your spirit to live a healthier more peaceful life. My belief is that when we are more firmly grounded in our own beauty and goodness we make better choices for ourselves and can more readily achieve the physical well-being we are seeking.
I need Courage to get there as it will take Courage, Fearlessness, Confidence, Trust and Faith (some of my power words) in order to help me manifest my goals. There will be doubters (including myself!) that will argue that I am not competent or capable or skilled enough to move in this direction. When I can remember these power words I can draw upon them to help me take action in those scary moments (like writing this email, or worse when it comes to sending it!). Repeated actions become our habits and healthy habits are what enable us to move in the direction of our dreams.
What are your power words? What is your theme?"
We are now into May and I am still working on really moving into the energy of Love vs. Fear. Of trust and abundance vs. doubt and lack. Trust that I have the skills or strengths or gifts to be able to carry out what my heart desires, which is to bring community, connection, healing and love to those I work with. My goal is to move even more deeper into this work in the upcoming months so I ask you please stay tuned to my blog, website (events page) and Facebook page to find out more of what you can expect for the coming months.
Two already scheduled events include a 3 week (4 class) cleansing program designed to take you through an anti-inflammatory elimination diet. You will receive supplements, recipes and meal plans and other tools and suggestions to help make your program a success. Please visit the Events page and scroll to the bottom for more information.
On Wednesday May 13th at 6:30 in the evening we are having our Annual Cathedral Wellness clinic Open House in honor of Naturopathic Medicine Week. We will be giving some brief presentations on Naturopathic Medicine and how it can benefit you and your family. Healthy snacks will be served!
In the near future I plan to host some "Health Cafes". This is a borrowed concept of having a themed night that gathers people of like-mind and spirit together in community to talk about anything and everything and in the case of the "Health Cafe" I would like to bring to you our topics would involve all aspects of health. We often feel isolated in our quest for health, especially as we embark upon journeys that may be out of the mainstream. We may find that our families or workplaces or friends resist and even try to sabotage our efforts. Having a supportive community can really help us realize our goals. My vision/ mission for the Health Café is "To bring people together in Community in the Spirit of Health." My hope is that you might find inspiration, wisdom and kindred spirits in these evenings. The Cafes will be drop-in, by donation opportunities held at the clinic on a monthly basis so stay tuned for details!
I look forward to joining with you, in community, to learn, share, experience and embody what it takes to enjoy good health on all levels of body, mind and spirit.
"I often find myself creating a theme for the new year. This theme is something I use to help create more clarity around my goals and from there I choose some "power words" that serve as reminders or touchstones for the changes I am desiring to create
So for instance my theme for 2015 is Courage. I have some new goals for my practice that involve developing and teaching more courses (I was inspired by the Brene Brown course Dr. Geis asked me to co-facilitate with her earlier this spring. Amazing experience and reminder that we heal in sharing!) and programs (new detoxification course, creating healthy habits, etc.) to help you succeed with your health goals. I also have some goals around enhancing certain skills that I use in practice such as doing more energy work and helping you align more with your spirit to live a healthier more peaceful life. My belief is that when we are more firmly grounded in our own beauty and goodness we make better choices for ourselves and can more readily achieve the physical well-being we are seeking.
I need Courage to get there as it will take Courage, Fearlessness, Confidence, Trust and Faith (some of my power words) in order to help me manifest my goals. There will be doubters (including myself!) that will argue that I am not competent or capable or skilled enough to move in this direction. When I can remember these power words I can draw upon them to help me take action in those scary moments (like writing this email, or worse when it comes to sending it!). Repeated actions become our habits and healthy habits are what enable us to move in the direction of our dreams.
What are your power words? What is your theme?"
We are now into May and I am still working on really moving into the energy of Love vs. Fear. Of trust and abundance vs. doubt and lack. Trust that I have the skills or strengths or gifts to be able to carry out what my heart desires, which is to bring community, connection, healing and love to those I work with. My goal is to move even more deeper into this work in the upcoming months so I ask you please stay tuned to my blog, website (events page) and Facebook page to find out more of what you can expect for the coming months.
Two already scheduled events include a 3 week (4 class) cleansing program designed to take you through an anti-inflammatory elimination diet. You will receive supplements, recipes and meal plans and other tools and suggestions to help make your program a success. Please visit the Events page and scroll to the bottom for more information.
On Wednesday May 13th at 6:30 in the evening we are having our Annual Cathedral Wellness clinic Open House in honor of Naturopathic Medicine Week. We will be giving some brief presentations on Naturopathic Medicine and how it can benefit you and your family. Healthy snacks will be served!
In the near future I plan to host some "Health Cafes". This is a borrowed concept of having a themed night that gathers people of like-mind and spirit together in community to talk about anything and everything and in the case of the "Health Cafe" I would like to bring to you our topics would involve all aspects of health. We often feel isolated in our quest for health, especially as we embark upon journeys that may be out of the mainstream. We may find that our families or workplaces or friends resist and even try to sabotage our efforts. Having a supportive community can really help us realize our goals. My vision/ mission for the Health Café is "To bring people together in Community in the Spirit of Health." My hope is that you might find inspiration, wisdom and kindred spirits in these evenings. The Cafes will be drop-in, by donation opportunities held at the clinic on a monthly basis so stay tuned for details!
I look forward to joining with you, in community, to learn, share, experience and embody what it takes to enjoy good health on all levels of body, mind and spirit.