Do you ever have those days that you have been praying for? wishing for a little extra time to "get things done" and then when you have it, by some miracle, you are paralyzed and unable to do anything at all?
today is one of those days for me. I have a pile, literally a pile, of unfinished work beside me: articles to read, files to review, research to be done - and in front of me a computer with a full inbox. Around me are more piles of photos to be put into albums, kids toys to be cleaned, laundry to be done... I have been wanting some breathing space to tackle these projects and get ahead.
This morning I have it - at least theoretically. The Mastermind-Yoga workshop I signed up for that was to begin this morning has been cancelled. I just received that news yesterday and had already arranged for my kids to head off to daycare for the morning. I decided to keep them there so that I could get at my "to do" list. Instead I am immobilized. The hill to climb seems insurmountable. The precious moments all by myself in the house are slipping by, without anything getting accomplished.
It came to me I have several choices: 1) be overwhelmed by this all and avoid it altogether, letting it go for another day (I already tried this - decided to go for a little cross country ski two hours ago to distract myself from my tasks at hand. It was lovely but everything was still waiting for me when I returned); 2) continue to sit in the overwhelm trying to get things done but spinning my wheels (this is what was going on before I decided to dust off my blog and write a little. I find writing in my journal helps me to make sense of my life in a way that little else can. Because of wonderful support and encouragement (Thanks Deb!) I am going to try using my blog a little more frequently in this way) or finally, this came to me as I was writing this (see how valuable writing can be!), 3) recall the wonderful quote that my dear friend Celeste recently reminded me of "A Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with a Single Step" ~ Lao Tzu.
and so, I